#Advice, #Attitude, #Blogger, #blogging, #Fatigue, #Immunesystem, #Inspiring, #Kindness, #positiveattitude, #PositivePeople, #Resting, #Romance, anxiety, care, entrepreneur, health, writer

New Business

Hi there, I hope you’re all doing as well as possible. This is my first post of 2023!

I’m not blogging as much as I used to but wanted to give you an update.

I am now offering services as a mentor to people who are living with chronic illnesses.

Please note my services offered as a complement to any treatment you are receiving, and are not meant to replace anything. I am not a medical professional.

I would also like to put it out there to the universe that I can help with spiritual and mental health.

Contact me for a no obligation free session to see if this resonates with you!

I’m also on TikTok now. That’s my more fun light-hearted side. See link in bio for all my social media links.

In terms of my own health there have been some ups and downs, but now it’s getting a lot better and I’m choosing to believe that I am healthier than what I am. Fake it till you make it?

If you like 👍 any of my content and want to show your thanks 🙏🏻 please subscribe and consider tipping me on ko – fi

Stepping out of my comfort zone and taking risks a lot more than I used to.

I’m even going to a speed dating event for the more spiritual minded singles on April 2 here in Sydney. It will be held at my favourite cafe Buddha Bowl and I believe tickets are still available.

It’s not easy to date when you’ve had a lot of health challenges and we’ve been through pandemic and you’ve been single for a long time, but the right person will be there if they’re meant to be and if not why not make some new friends?

I’m also cohosting spiritual Instagram lives every week with a cohost based in Canada. More information ℹ️ here on my IG

I’m attending a few zoom meetings a month.

One is astrological and also a new moon and full moon one.

As always, I hope that you have found some value in my blog. I also have a group on Facebook which is open to all where I share hacks and tips to help improve your life from a holistic point of view.

Cute Duck 🦆 photo 📸 I took at Victoria Park recently as the blog image for those who love ❤️ animal therapy!

Until next time blessings to you all!

*Disclaimer: I’m not a medical professional or counselor. Opinions expressed in this post are my own based on what I’ve found helps me. Always consult a professional first*

#Acceptance, #Advice, #Attitude, #Blogger, #blogging, #Fatigue, #Frustration, #health #multiplemyeloma #immunesystem #cancer #attitude #strength, #Immunesystem, #Inspiring, #Kindness, #Moods, #Patience, #perception, #PositivePeople, #Relationships, #Resting, #Shock, #Sick, #Therapy, #Tired, bones, covid, crystals, health, lifestyles, meditation, mentalhealth, reiki, rest, support, tips, trauma, update, writer

Energy Vampires

So I’m not blogging as much as I want to and part of that is because I haven’t been well. I had Covid in early July. It’s winter here in Australia. This did make it more challenging with my existing health issues though I’m happy to report that all pre-cancer cells have been cleared from my cervix when I had a leep procedure in early April. I do still have HVP and that’s a virus and my immune system is already working really hard fighting blood/bone cancer and any other virus that I might pick up so it will take time but I’m tough and optimistic!

All this to say that basically writing my blog especially when it appears that not many people are really reading it anymore means it is not a high priority and I just wanted to be honest. It takes a lot of mental, emotional and spiritual energy up at times so I would rather post less for now. Thank you for understanding. The intention of this blog is to help people from a spiritual point of view by sharing practical things that I’ve used that have helped me with my mental and physical health and maybe making some sense of why we on this planet.

Yes I know that’s a bit ambitious. I’m also trying to keep on top of my social media presence and I’m in my early 40s so I don’t understand how gen Z and millennials’ do this! Surely I can pay someone to do these things for me right?

Anyway I was wondering what we could talk about or rather what I could share about then it occurred to me that like many empaths that I take on a lot of energy from other people and that can be so exhausting mentally and physically.

I do things to clear my energy regularly and protect myself. I have mentioned this in other posts but just to reiterate shielding, cord cutting and saging and reiki never do any harm. I love my crystals as well and I know it’s not hurting anyone. If you disagree that’s fine each to their own and refer to the disclaimer above please ha ha!

Very recently a person who is extremely toxic and has a very addictive personality popped into my head and I knew that was because they were required in court regarding the breach of the AVO (restraining order) that I have in place courtesy of the police.

Now there have been several adjournments for different reasons and my understanding is this person is pleading section 14 due to mental health reasons so pleading guilty. The good thing about that for me is that I wouldn’t be required in court but to protect myself I already got a letter from my therapist and haematologist saying why it’s not reasonable for me to go to court and give my statement a third time.

I had to put it to the back of my mind and try to move on to the best of my ability but this persons energy is very dominant, narcissistic and draining. It also doesn’t help that they don’t live too far away from me.

Fortunately I was able to call for an update just last Friday in the afternoon and found out that it’s finally all finalised! Yes that’s weight off my mind but they keep on popping into my head what does that mean?

Well if you’re reading this maybe you are curious, or maybe you know that when someone is thinking of you whether it’s negative or positive that they have corded you. So I had to work hard to protect myself from their energy. Heaven forbid they are reading this but this is my blog and I can say what I want and I haven’t mentioned their name. I don’t actually hate them but I think they have a lot of work they need to do on themselves spiritually and I hope that they get a lot of counselling and start treating people better.

Once you have cut chords and protected your energy I find it really useful to say “I call back my power” several times.

At some point the person who is the biggest energy vampire for you will no longer be in your head. It’s not easy, I speak from experience but it’s best to try not to give your way your power to people who judge you, misunderstand you or try to manipulate you.

I hope this helps you, if not it’s all good. Be safe.

Blessings xxoo Jazz

*Disclaimer: I’m not a medical professional or counselor. Opinions expressed in this post are my own based on what I’ve found helps me. Always consult a professional first*

#Acceptance, #acupunture, #Advice, #Attitude, #blogging, #Chemo, #Depression, #DiseaseProgression, #Doctors, #Emotional, #Fatigue, #Frustration, #Grief, #health #multiplemyeloma #immunesystem #cancer #attitude #strength, #hope #medication, #Hospital, #Immunesystem, #Moods, #news, #Results, #Sick, #specialists, #Tired, #Treatment, anxiety, Cancer, health, mentalhealth, uncertainty, update


God grant me the courage to accept the things I cannot change.

Ok so I’m not an alcoholic or in any kind of 12 step programme but I do know know the serenity prayer and how it can be applied to everyday life particularly when you need to let go of so much that is out of your control.

So lately my health has not been in my control with cancer numbers going up slightly and that’s not a good sign and an HVP infection of the Cervix and it’s gone from low grade to possible high grade over a period of only a few months.

I had a lot of stress and was abused in the previous living situation. I posted some poetry about this in my previous post. The stress of that surely would affect my mental, emotional and physical health not to mention my immune system.

If I was to add on the long list of what I don’t like or want and don’t have control over right now then I would just get anxious and you dear reader may get anxious too so I won’t do that but I will say that I have been battling depression and been very angry and irritable a lot lately and handling it with walks, counselling, journaling and gentle yoga even during a lockdown here in Sydney that we’ve been in since late June. This helps but I really thought I knew more and had more control and certainty. My intuition can be onto it but not always in a good way.

I’ll give you an example. In my last house I got a lot of strange chest pain a for a bit before I was given notice and then some other things happened and an incident occurred resulting in me requiring police assistance. I knew it wasn’t heart related per-say as I have known anxiety well but breathing deeply wasn’t helping it go and my head felt clear enough so I wondered if from a spiritual point of view that something was up. Well maybe it was my heart chakra? I’m big on that stuff given how well much it’s helped me. You know energy work like reiki and kinesiology etc. And my heart felt like it was being attacked ? Am I making sense here?

Well I wasn’t wrong and I got the heart discomfort before a phone call about my latest blood work and the night before third and most recent gyno appointment!

So I feel like I can trust my intuition even if I don’t like what it’s showing me but I have to accept what’s coming through from a place of love and gratitude but sometimes the anger and frustration and sadness is going to come up and that’s been harder to accept over the years as it often triggers me to childhood abuse and a person I used to be, the glass half empty, suicidal type. She struggled in a world so black and white or was it grey clouds hanging around, an abundance of them lingering?

I processed and cried plenty in my teens and 20’s then my health battles in my 30’s and early 40’s. I have had many great times, manifesting travel, moving overseas and more but it was hard work and I’m tired! Self help and self care is not easy!

I’m at a point now that where I feel like my health is improving on all levels but the medical profession can’t see this in their blood tests and try to get me to increase the medications. I got more side effects already and remedied this with acupuncture, kinesiology and physio !

I never truely accepted the medications I am on truth be told and that maybe they could help because I’ve had so many short and long term side effects from them but a lot of complementary health care has managed to stop it being worse. I have just reluctantly taken them angrily over the years because it’s a catch 22 with my insurance claim payments that I follow Doctors orders but that’s not my style. I was raised by a naturopath! I wanted to be like Louise Hay and heal myself naturally but that is not part of my journey.

These medications are not natural and likely tested on animals and I have to accept that. It’s harder to accept as I’m vegan. They are one part of the puzzle to the full picture of health. They are a big one though and I wish there was a more natural way.

My immune system is amazing and works overtime trying to detox from meds, clearing any incoming infection not to mention the HVP. There’s abnormal cells so I’m being seen again in few months. It’s a reminder of 2014 when I had a painful left ovarian cyst with severe endometriosis spreading from uterus to bowel and bladder. I had minor surgery that year. I also had a stem cell transplant and loads of chemo that same year. Full on. I know this is different, but there’s triggers there. Cervical cancer is much easier to treat and that may not be the case but if the infection isn’t clearing naturally there’s help I hope. I do prefer to prevent extra issues. That’s healthier but I have had to negotiate with my health care professionals and be flexible. Intuition helps. To their credit they have been understanding but I should remind them to put themselves in my shoes. I would for them.

Anyway I have done a lot more accepting and letting go here in my safe and healthy new home, more than I think I have ever done. It’s about trust. The more I trust, the easier it gets. I didn’t actually get too upset over the gyno news yesterday like I used to. I’m finally getting there.

Lastly I’d like to say that the photo for this post was taken just before a storm yesterday. I saw the beauty in it as I knew it was temporary. Reminds me of my health issues, it is temporary but a long temporary but it is what it is. Thank you for stopping by. Until next time.

*Disclaimer: I’m not a medical professional or counselor. Opinions expressed in this post are my own based on what I’ve found helps me. Always consult a professional first*

#Acceptance, #Advice, #Attitude, #blogging, #Bloodtests, #Doctors, #Fatigue, #Hospital, #humour, #Immunesystem, #Inspiring, health

A Short Message From Hospital…

*Disclaimer; I’m not a medical professional or counselor. Opinions expressed in this blog are my own based on what I’ve found helps me. Always consult a professional first*

I arrived back from New Zealand on Saturday night.

I’ve gone to bed super early two nights in a row and all I want to do is sleep all day but can’t as I have my monthly hospital visit most of today and stuff to do tonight…mostly packing as I’m moving flats on the 13th…

I know I’ll find times to meditate between appointments and this intense headache will pass. It’s a case of mind over matter.

I really pushed myself to think positive and not worry about my headache, fatigue etc and apply various techniques of several self help gurus including the late Wayne Dyer and it’s helped my morning go very smoothly.

If I didn’t I could easily have created a long, difficult day for myself…

I actually have a bit of a gap before I see my hematologist at 10.30 then my infusion is at 11, that might finish with enough of a gap before my long overdue skeletal survey (x-ray to check the state of dem bones).

A gap is a good opportunity to grab something to eat later at my infusion. I swear I’ve sweat off my last week’s food in the past 24 hours! 😂

I like to practice what I preach and this is why I often have good luck, support etc.

I often send out positive healing vibes to others.

I’ve done it the other way many years ago and prefer this.

No matter what your week holds it’s important to remember that there is a lot of positive there and maybe challenge yourself to only see the positive? I do this as much as possible.

Happy Monday xx ❤️ Jazz